You may have heard about calm down kits, but are unsure what they're all about or if they will work in your classroom. Take a look at this article to learn what's included, what the goals are, and how you can implement one today!
Teaching Students with Autism is a free professional learning community that provides ideas and resources for teachers working with students with autism. This is a collaborative community where educators can share information to help support the needs of students with autism.
World Autism Month Date: April 2018 Wear blue all month long to increase understanding and acceptance of individuals with autism. Share your photos and stories on social media using #LightItUpBlue. Autism 2018: Innovations in Research & Care Date and Time: April 27th from 8:00 AM - 5 PM Location: University of Iowa Center for Disabilities & Development This conference is intended to provide attendees with information about several cutting edge research projects that are currently being conducted at The University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics. It will also inform practitioners about research-supported treatment options for children and adults with autism in Iowa. Autism Symposium Date and Time: June 7th & 8th from 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM Location: Western Iowa Tech Community College in Sioux City This training will focus on strategies for students of all ages in the areas of social thinking in the elementary years as well as transition ...
Setting Screen Time Limits: Step-by-step instructions for parents and teachers who have difficulty transitioning kids off of iPads and iPhones Challenging Behaviors Tool Kit: Includes general framework and intervention principles relevant at any stage of life, positive approaches and suggestions, basic background information and links for further information Cooperative Games for Children, Teens and Adults: Players work together as a team instead of playing against each other. The players work together to achieve a common goal. They win or lose as a team.
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