
Showing posts from April, 2018

Calm Down Kits

You may have heard about calm down kits, but are unsure what they're all about or if they will work in your classroom. Take a look at this article  to learn what's included, what the goals are, and how you can implement one today!

A Typical Boy

Meet Grayson, hear his story, and learn more about the impact of the AEA, Child Health Specialty Clinic!

2018 Nebraska ASD Network State Conference

The Nebraska Autism Spectrum Disorder Network State Conference will be April 19th & 20th at the Embassy Suites Convention Center in  LaVista.

Teaching Students with Autism

Teaching Students with Autism is a free professional learning community that provides ideas and resources for teachers working with students with autism. This is a collaborative community where educators can share information to help support the needs of students with autism.

April Mini Institute

In honor of autism awareness month, we want to highlight a course that a number of our AEA team members are taking to help improve early detection. Are you aware of the early warning signs of autism spectrum disorder (ASD)?  Follow this website  to the Autism Navigator for more information and an opportunity to participate in a screening/study for children 9-18 months.