Teaching Students with Autism

Teaching Students with Autism is a free professional learning community that provides ideas and resources for teachers working with students with autism. This is a collaborative community where educators can share information to help support the needs of students with autism.

As a member of the community, you get many FREE benefits:

  1. Invitations to edWebinars on new ideas, practices, and resources
    1. Live chats so all attendees can collaborate and contribute to the discussion
    2. CE certificates for attending and viewing edWebinars
    3. edWebinar recordings with CE quizzes to view on-demand anytime, anywhere
  2. Online discussion forums where you can connect and collaborate with other educators and experts on a continuous basis
  3. A resource library with added materials on this topic

Upcoming edWebinar with CE Certificate
Thursday, April 26 at 3 p.m. Eastern Time
"Repurposing Consumer Technology to Enhance Communication & Learning for Individuals with Autism"


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