August Mini Institute

It’s time to get ready to go back to school. This can be challenging for every student and sometimes children with autism need some extra help to be prepared. We have the tools to get you started towards the best school year yet!


  • Transition back to a regular bedtime and earlier rising time over several weeks
  • Minimize electronics
  • Practice getting ready for school: run through the whole morning routine 
    • Waking up
    • Eating breakfast
    • Getting dressed
    • Brushing teeth 
  • Highlight a calendar to show your child when school starts
  • Prepare student for the question, “What did you do during summer vacation?”


  • Make a connection (by phone or in person to the drivers)
    • Reach out to review the nuances of where to sit and who might be on the bus
    • Identify 3-5 students on the bus who can serve as peer buddies


  • Visit classroom ahead of time 
    • Meet new teacher (beneficial to take pictures)
    • Visit the playground/recess area and cafeteria of the school
  • For older students, you may want to practice walking through their schedule a few times and practice their locker routine 


  • Establish a mode of communication for home/school 
  • Provide a needs summary letter for the teacher addressing strengths and challenges
    • Include the signs that your child is overloaded and how to offer relief, and the things that might trigger a meltdown or cause sensory distress. 
    • Include a preference summary that includes likes/dislikes, favorite activities, food, etc.
  • Go over classroom expectations as they differ from home
  • Decide, if necessary, who the point of contact will be for the parent when multiple teachers are involved.

Sources:  Autism Speaks,,,


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