Welcome back to what will definitely be a year to remember.  Our Autism Resource Team (ART)  also had some changes during this year.  We said goodbye to some familiar team members due to retirement,  but while we have lost people, we have gained time devoted to the team. Last year we had 7 core team members with .2 of their time for the autism team duties.  This year we have 4 core team members with .5 of their time devoted to work on the team, which will include a focus on building capacity in our school districts.  

We are grateful to have extended team members who continue to support our work through their regular school assignments.  Here is a current list of ART members and the districts they serve in Green Hills AEA. 

We were very pleased by the enthusiasm and excitement generated by the attendees of our 3 days of learning with Amy Laurent, Ph.D., OTR/L co-founder of Autism Level UP and co-author of the SCERTS framework last November. If you were unable to attend or would like some refreshers on the content you can access the following links for interviews with the authors, online webinars they have led, or listen to their interviews on podcasts. Each of the links below are FREE and approximately 1 hour long. 



Intro to SCERTS model free webinar  

Neurodevelopment & Social Competence -Emily Rubin

Family collaboration - Barry Prizant

Importance of Social and Emotional Development -part 1

Importance of Social and emotional development - part 2 


Two Sides of the Spectrum Podcast - Interview with Autism Level UP

FYI - all the episodes are great!

Uniquely Human - The Podcast

    Also check out the book by Barry Prizant, Ph.D, CCC-SLP

We look forward to supporting your work with students this year.  We would also like to share this resource - Remote Learning with Students with ASD. The links embedded in this resource include social stories and schedule examples for the home setting.  


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