The autism resource team (ART) would like to share our recently updated Universal Supports Document. This document was originally rolled out last year, but has been revised by the ART over the summer. The Universal Supports Document can be used as a checklist to help teams determine tier one supports that should be put in place prior to, or in conjunction with more intensified interventions to best serve our students. The ART will be using this document as a jumping off point when supporting students within our districts.

At the top of the document, within the orange box are guiding questions that target strategies that can positively impact multiple sub-categories below, or may address other student needs at a universal support level. Below that, there are four boxes with strategies that more specifically address the areas of sensory, behavior, social and academic needs. There are hyperlinks embedded within this document that provide more detail about some items on the checklist. If you have questions or needs of clarification please reach out to your assigned core team members!


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